I write all that is below because I feel I should share a glimpse, and that is all it is, of what I have come home from. I share it with you not to make you jealous, but to create within you a longing for the things of God. We are too content. Thats what was revealed to me this morning at church, I called people to hunger, thirst, longing, to want to chase after Him, to see His words bear fruit. Read what God has said He will do, read what Jesus said about Himself and his kingdom and our authority, read it and then declare it. We are living with the bar set too low, we are far too satisfied and content with where we are and the tiny things we are asking for. How big is your God? I ask again, how big is your God? Sit under His waterfall, ask for Him to fill you so that you might be brimming, that you might be poured out to everyone you come into contact with. Stop being comfortable and satisfied. Divine discontent. I dare you to pray for it ;)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all the love, encouragement and prayer support you have faithfully given me to date. I am writing to let you know where God is taking me in the coming months. As you know, I visited Iris Ministries Childrens’ center in Pemba, Mozambique in May 2006 and my life has been turned upside down as a result! God has re-awakened in me a deep passion for the poor and a hunger to see His glory and love being poured out on them. As I obey His call on my life, He is opening doors before me. Iris Ministries are hosting their fourth missions school in the summer months of 2007 and I have been given the opportunity to attend.

History of Iris Ministries

Iris Ministries has an orphanage of just over 3,000 children as well as a school of missions in Pemba, Mozambique, Africa. Rolland and Heidi Baker, founders of Iris Ministries, were both ordained as ministers in 1985 after completing their BA and MA degrees at Southern California College and also both gaining doctorates in systematic theology in 1991. In 1995 the Bakers arrived in Mozambique, the poorest country in the world. They set up many childrens’ centers in Mozambique and surrounding countries, and have adopted over 5,000 children. The Bakers are now at the forefront of a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Mozambique and Southeast Africa that has seen thousands come to Jesus, most in Muslim provinces. Through their work, the Lord has planted 7,000 churches and great miracles are a regular occurrence as a result of their obedience. They are also committed to the training of indigenous pastors through the school and serve their local and wider community in many different ways including medical care, education and food programs. For more information about Iris, please visit www.irismin.org

Iris Ministries Holy Given School of Missions

The summer school will give me in depth biblical grounding in missionary work as well as hours of hands on experience, serving and praying for the poorest of the poor, children and adults alike. The curriculum includes outreaches, bible studies, small group work and regional church meetings with students and guest speakers from around the world. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I know that the Lord is calling me to be a part of this great move of His Spirit

Long term vision

As a nurse, I have a heart to provide health education to those have never had access to basic health care. However, I believe the details of my long term future with Iris Ministries will become clearer during the three month bible school as I wait on the Lord.

Currently, upon finishing the school, I intend to return to England for the Autumn of 2007 while my application is processed.

I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to serve God with my whole life and depend on Him for everything. This is an opportunity to work in co-operation with the heart of God for His children and to be His hands and His feet in places where the hope of His Word needs so desperately to be known.

Prayer pointers

Please continue to pray for me as I prepare to return to Pemba, Mozambique.

· Pray that the Holy Spirit will use me to my utmost potential

· Pray that the people of Mozambique will be prepared to hear the saving grace of Jesus Christ

· Pray that God’s hand of protection will be over me during my travels to and from Mozambique

· Pray for God’s provision

· Most of all pray for God’s divine Will to be done in Mozambique.

Iris Ministries students and missionaries are self-supporting which means that I will be reliant on Gods provision and not funded by Iris in any way. If God leads you to support me financially, please contact me at chollywell@googlemail.com or comment on this post for paypal details.

I am truly excited to see God move to change not only the hearts around me but my life, attitude, and direction as a result of doing what He has said. The vision of Iris ministries has captured my heart; stopping for the one, radical living, walking with Jesus in total trust and obedience. After visiting last year, I became so desperately hungry, thirsty and inspired to walk as the disciples walked, leaving all behind, healing the sick, cleansing the leper, casting out demons and preaching salvation (Matthew 10v8)….doing what I, we, are created to do. I am going to Mozambique to learn and to understand how to walk this. I am desperate for Him!

I pray you might be greatly encouraged by the work that the Lord is doing in Africa at this time and through the world as we surrender our lives to Him and begin to see glimpses of heaven on earth.

Through His Commission,

Claire Hollywell

Website (Temporary): www.chollywell.blogspot.com

Website (Under construction): www.chollywell.com

Email: www.chollywell@googlemail.com

"I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength to me: I am self sufficient in Christs sufficiency."
Phil 4:13 (AMP)



Blogger justjoshin said...

do you guys in england all use @googlemail.com in your email? Here we all use @gmail.com. same exact site/email address. Sorry, I know it's random. I've just had another sleepless night.

9:37 AM  

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