I write all that is below because I feel I should share a glimpse, and that is all it is, of what I have come home from. I share it with you not to make you jealous, but to create within you a longing for the things of God. We are too content. Thats what was revealed to me this morning at church, I called people to hunger, thirst, longing, to want to chase after Him, to see His words bear fruit. Read what God has said He will do, read what Jesus said about Himself and his kingdom and our authority, read it and then declare it. We are living with the bar set too low, we are far too satisfied and content with where we are and the tiny things we are asking for. How big is your God? I ask again, how big is your God? Sit under His waterfall, ask for Him to fill you so that you might be brimming, that you might be poured out to everyone you come into contact with. Stop being comfortable and satisfied. Divine discontent. I dare you to pray for it ;)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So yeah....they want me to be a nurse out in Mozambique cos its such a valuable skill that they desperately need us but being reasinably new and not having a clue bout wounds and tropical med i preliminarily said no cos i was terrified about the idea! but they really want me as a nurse so i prayed bout it and God met with me in the service on sunday which, to be honest, wasnt very spirit filled it would apear but God just swept me up! woot! and showed me something soooooooo kewl. I was back in the clinic in Mozambique and the doctor was gonna debride (cut and clean) a girl's ulcer without anaesthetic cos we dont have any, and i know what normally happens, they scream and scream and its horrid.


In this vision, i stopped the doctor and started to sing in tongues with the girl and i think i put on some music, not sure, and we sang and sang in daddys lap and she was in heaven on her face and I nodded to the doctor and for a split second she looked scared but i told her to keep singing in the languages of heaven and even as she had tears down her cheeks, she stayed in that place of worship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit was there working with us. How COOOOOL is that?! the idea that we can work as medical professionals WITH the Lord Jesus? nurse and the great physician? that He can heal AS WE HEAL; they are NOT mutually exclusive!

What radicalness does that bring to medicine?! So now i know if i am gonna nurse, it will be ok, cos i wil just assist Him :-) i felt so excited and empowered bout this, the idea that HE can be our painrelief, our anaesthetic and our salve!


Blogger Duffy said...

I think you should totally do it. Learn as you go, the need for medical professionals is so major over there, as you likely seen. Scary for you, yes. But after about 6 mths, you would be totally 'into' your role.

11:01 AM  

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