I call myself more than anyone...I know...and yet still I call because it is more than important, out very survival depends on it. Yes, it doesn't feel like it here in the West, but trust me. He really meant all He said in that book we flip through idly of a morning over breakfast during 'devotionals'.
There are different seasons, different times, different places and different emotions...I know that. I am not calling you to a model, a framework, even a level of radical abandonment or honoring liturgy. I am calling you, today...to simply press in.
Wherever you are right now, whatever you are doing. As you read this, stop. Take you hands from the keyboard. I suggest a practice long forgotten but more valuable than we ever realised in the days of busy distractions and 'just another job' multitasking...
Hands together
Eyes closed.
And sit there. For a whole minute. Even two. Even more...
Just sit and wait and love and let Him love and reflect and stop and get hungry and eat and drink and wait a little more. Hands clasped, head bowed, remembering quite who we have long forgotten Him to be. The one without whom nothingness doesn't even exist. The one so large that there actually is nothing above Him. The one who no-one counselled or taught or advised and yet knows all there is and had no beginning and is immense. Words mean nothing, until they hit your spirit like they did to me this morning. So, seeking a true fear and reverence of the Lord God of the entire cosmos who I "chat" to sometimes without a true realisation of WHO He is...
I press in.
Hands together
Eyes very tightly closed.