I write all that is below because I feel I should share a glimpse, and that is all it is, of what I have come home from. I share it with you not to make you jealous, but to create within you a longing for the things of God. We are too content. Thats what was revealed to me this morning at church, I called people to hunger, thirst, longing, to want to chase after Him, to see His words bear fruit. Read what God has said He will do, read what Jesus said about Himself and his kingdom and our authority, read it and then declare it. We are living with the bar set too low, we are far too satisfied and content with where we are and the tiny things we are asking for. How big is your God? I ask again, how big is your God? Sit under His waterfall, ask for Him to fill you so that you might be brimming, that you might be poured out to everyone you come into contact with. Stop being comfortable and satisfied. Divine discontent. I dare you to pray for it ;)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hahahahha, so today was such the most wonderful day I have had in such a long time and you know why? Its not cheesy, its not cliché, it is completely true…

…Its because I spent all day with Jesus J

I woke up and He instantly asked me for my attention and my time. So much recently I have been finding it hard to obey Him in this, in the little things, but praise Jesus, He is persistent! He just pursues and pursues us, He is so jealous for every single bit of us but is so so gentle in the pursuit of us! Holy! So He asked me for my time which I reluctantly gave Him and then He asked me out to coffee J what a wonderful coffee we had! I came back and have been learning Portuguese, thinking bout Mozambique but more importantly, have learned the glorious value of turning OFF ones phone! Not silent or vibrate, OFF so that He can have ALL my time! Who cares who calls, what the time is, what people want to know? For those few hours I am His and He is mine, exclusively. Then I spoke to a beautiful sister of mine in Mozambique who is so anointed and she and one of the boys there prayed for me and commissioned me for my time in Pemba when I go (She is even gonna put a good word in for me!) but in the midst of all of this the greatest thing? The greatest thing has been merely resting in Him, having a relaxing day, not needing to strive and work at being with Him, merely getting out the way so He can be, so that we can walk together, hand in hand. For now, He has not given me permission to make more money through a second job because He is jealous for my time and attention which is so wonderful but such a massive step of faith as well! Hahahaha, I love it! What would Gideon have thought when God reduced and reduced and reduced His army? The same as I, I am sure!! But God will be glorified, not me! People will look at me and no longer say ‘what an achiever!’ but will look at me and say ‘what a generous God!’ I will boast only in Him, He will be glorified through my life and I will at the same time come to realize that even if I do nothing at all ever again, He will still adore me!!

He provides, He calls us to Himself, He teaches and directs us but more than all of that, He curls up next to us and rests with us, teaches us peace in the midst of it all, takes our hand looks into our eyes and say ‘honey, I’ve got this one’ and we can dance and rejoice and praise because He is trustworthy and True!!!

Finalmente, quiero escrevo em Portuguese porque gosto demonstrar meu progresso! Portuguese es uma lingua dificil mas O Deus ajudar-me!

Please pray if you get a second because I am taking great leaps into the unknown in faith and I have total peace about all that the Lord is leading me to in both giving and giving up, but either way it is still a faith step and therefore need prayer support to guard against all the enemy will no doubt throw at me because I am a threat to him! Oh yeah! Hehe. There is so so much that I want to write here, so much that God has taught me, is revealing through the scriptures, however I shan’t because He is teaching you each equally necessary and important things and it will urge you to push into Him and His word and His presence. I sit here reading this laughing cos it sounds so unlike me! The words that you read are such a poor representation of who I am, the mistakes and problems, struggles and battles I am daily facing, apathy, laziness and reluctance and yet as I said, He is so gracious! As I learn to embrace refiners fire and the dross comes painfully bit by bit to the surface, He cleanses and purifies and this time of spiritual ‘pregnancy’ and preparation continues!

Something has/is definitely changing and shifting. For once, I am not going to sit and psychoanalyze it. I am going to just live it, show it, learn it, enjoy it and glorify God by the wonder of it. There is so much now I merely know or am living within that I will not understand or remember in years to come, the thing about journaling, is that sometimes you have to realize how unimportant what you have to say actually is…the world will go on with or without us. So although writing and journaling is so important, if we go without saying it all, its more than ok.

Hehehehhe, none of the above I expect to make sense but I wish to write it merely so I can read it back ad remind myself who God is! Woooot! He is so glorious and wonderful and there is so much more I need and want to give up in my pursuit of Him and His glorious presence. Hallelujah. Praise Be to the Lord our God, til the end of the age. Amen x


Blogger Duffy said...

Bless you Claire. You are surely a breath of fresh air, indeed. I leave Roswell early tomorrow (the 2nd) and am heading to Rochester, NY for a day before heading to Bible school on the 5th. Hope God is "Blasting your socks off!!!!"

4:24 AM  

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