I write all that is below because I feel I should share a glimpse, and that is all it is, of what I have come home from. I share it with you not to make you jealous, but to create within you a longing for the things of God. We are too content. Thats what was revealed to me this morning at church, I called people to hunger, thirst, longing, to want to chase after Him, to see His words bear fruit. Read what God has said He will do, read what Jesus said about Himself and his kingdom and our authority, read it and then declare it. We are living with the bar set too low, we are far too satisfied and content with where we are and the tiny things we are asking for. How big is your God? I ask again, how big is your God? Sit under His waterfall, ask for Him to fill you so that you might be brimming, that you might be poured out to everyone you come into contact with. Stop being comfortable and satisfied. Divine discontent. I dare you to pray for it ;)

Friday, September 08, 2006

So there are so many scriptures rushing round my head that have really come to the surface today so, as I sit here in dungarees listening to my new Daniel Bedingfield album and relax with Jesus in the middle of two mad work days, I reflect finally on the things that the Lord is slowly and gently revealing to me.

Firstly, was the passage of scripture in 1 Chronicles 20:20ish where the battle was fought with the worhsippers and praisers frontline. Picture the scene for a second, this isn’t some sort of nice Christian analogy, this is a real scenario in history! Can you imagine?! Tambourines in the front row?!?! There is true faith in that, true assurance and the obvious but critical lesson to learn. However insane it appears to everyone else including ourself and how it feels, we must go into everything with praise on our lips, worship in our hearts. The bizarrer and harder and more challenging the situation, we have GOT to go it with God, praising Him because He is always always worth it, worshipping Him because He never changes even though nothing else stays the same, worshipping Him because He is worthy and for no other reason, whether or not we feel any different by dong so.

We have got to stop being in the business of worshipping God for self edification, I really feel this conviction strongly. It is not about us. We do not fight the battles for ourselves, but there is a bigger picture, He loves us and has done the greatest thing He ever could, He deserves the eternal recognition and passionate worship purely for that and that alone! Why do we go to church? What are our comments when we leave? What are we singing? Why are we there? He will meet us there, He will come and touch us if we ask and bring us into His heart, but it cant be the introspective egocentric reason for being there, it has got to be because we love Him, we have got to be there for Him.

And then I was shown as we were prayer walking and asking for strategies as to how to combat the intense spiritual idols that are predominant in the area of our cell group., hindus, islam, Sikhs, prostitution, drugs, crime, and more! And the Lord reminded me that there are two sections of the verse that states ‘whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven’. You see, so much of the time we concentrate our efforts on discerning the demons, casting out, bringing down, battling and praying against. But the thing is, our strategy in how we speak, in what we do, in how we pray, needs to be to be loosing Gods power, loosing angels, loosing His word and His truth and…His LOVE. Love casts out all fear, Gods light shines on everything and the darkness HAS to flee! God already has the victory over everything! If we pray Him into situations, if we declare His truth and, most importantly, if we keep loving, keep loving, keep loving, the darkness can do nothing but flee. We can keep our eyes focused on Him and Him alone and don’t have to give the devil any of our time! Hahaha. Combat evil with Good, we need to start getting in the habit of loosing.

What else? Man its been so long since I blogged this should probably be released as about five different blogs! Sorry!

Hehe, oooooooooooooooooo yeah, there was something very very very kewl I came across this morning which probably wont be at all significant to anyone but I was quite intrigued when I read it! When it talks about Jesus’ baptism, it describes that God ‘tore open’ heaven above Him and descended on Him as a dove, I don’t fully know the significance of this although I think I may take sometime soon to do a word search on tearing or rending because there is something so much more passionate about it, I don’t know, its just such a beautiful picture, that God would tear open heaven to speak over His son. Any more thoughts about this, I would love to hear them!

And last but not least, there is the whole preparation thing. The fact that in Ephesians 6:15 it talks about putting on the shoes of the gospel of peace as one of the FIRST bits of the armor of God cos it’s the PREPARATION bit. Its about readying yourself, the shield and the sword and everything else comes later on. Again, in Chronicles, one of the kings is said to have ‘become mighty BECAUSE He prepared himself before the Lord’ once again, I could exposit this and really pull it apart but I wont except to say, I love it and it helps me to continue living it! Hehehehe

Well I suppose that should be all for now! Sorry for filling up your entire page! Hahaha. Oh and in terms of news, more weddings on the horizon but not any from my court praise Jesus! I love being single J work is really hard work but He is teaching me of His faithfulness and showing me the flaws that He wants to remove from me by placing me in His refining fire and stress and work is bringing those out. Its horrid to see your flaws but its awesome to know that once you’ve seen them, God has brought them up and is gonna burn them off you, I am being tested in the fire and am gonna come forth as gold yet!

Praise God always. Gloria a sua nome Jesus!


Blogger Joy said...

Hello to you, I ran across your blog through Josh and I must say, What a blessing! The things that have been going through your spirit have encouraged me a lot. Please write more of the revelations down. The little things that we take for granted edifys others.

It seems that you are a very deep thinker. It is nice to know that there is someone else out there. Don't loose heart! Keep running after the heart of your Daddy. He loves it and I am encouraged by it. Thank you!

8:11 PM  

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