I write all that is below because I feel I should share a glimpse, and that is all it is, of what I have come home from. I share it with you not to make you jealous, but to create within you a longing for the things of God. We are too content. Thats what was revealed to me this morning at church, I called people to hunger, thirst, longing, to want to chase after Him, to see His words bear fruit. Read what God has said He will do, read what Jesus said about Himself and his kingdom and our authority, read it and then declare it. We are living with the bar set too low, we are far too satisfied and content with where we are and the tiny things we are asking for. How big is your God? I ask again, how big is your God? Sit under His waterfall, ask for Him to fill you so that you might be brimming, that you might be poured out to everyone you come into contact with. Stop being comfortable and satisfied. Divine discontent. I dare you to pray for it ;)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Would I , forsaking all else follow my saviour into whatever and wherever and however He chooses? Will I lay down my life daily for HIm and be His servant, HIs daughter, His bride until the end of time? Will I forsake ALL ELSE to do so? Yes Lord. YOu know I will. YOu know I love you. YOu know I agape you. You alone know my heart.

As I soak and seek His face I am reminded once again. It is just not about me. None of this is. I dont know where it is going but I do know what it IS about...Him. His rule, His Kingdom come, HIs freedom to the captives. I do not know how to proclaim that here, how to love when I am tired and noone wants to know and there are no opportunities and I am not naturally an evangelist that will wander up to random starnger to tell them about Jesus, what do you say for a start?! either way however, I know that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and instead of sitting under and in the inadequacy of myself, my lack of ability, strength, courage or wisdom, there is a greater one than I that covers me, lifts me up, enables me, who is glorified in my weakness, i mean..imagine that?! my weakness actually benefitting someone and making a situation even better than it is as opposed to the natural order of weakness and inability resulting in lack of or poor results.

The more inable, the more wrecked and broken and unable we are...the more HE can move and have HIs rule. The only thing I should be kicking myself about right now is not how long I have spent with HIm, how fruitful I am being in spreading His message or even my thoughts and fears and anxieties...it is that I am not more broken..no, that I was not ALLOWING Him to break me further. And so my ferverent cry is resumed, I call on heaven and earth to witness my choice. I choose life (Dt 31) I choose Him, I choose whatever it takes to see heaven on earth, to see healing and restoration and heaven and HIs glory and His LOVE...

...break me Lord, wreck me, ruin me, humble me, use me, remove my own abilities and ruin and wreck me that You and You ALONE might be glorified.

Praise your name oh Jesus. Praise Your name Deus, in all the earth, let all heaven proclaim, let all earth adore, let all nations declare, you are glorious and majestic and reign in power and wisdom and might, you re the first the last the omnipotent, the omnipresent, the faithful, the true and trustworthy God, the lion and the lamb, the father, the husband, the
righteous judge, the sacrifice. Hallelujah to the Lord on high! Hallelujah and hosanna! I look forward to next year, maybe too much? I am unsure...but I do know that my heart is so full to burstin,g I have so much I dont know what to do with, I have so much that I am unsure about and yet so much within me from everytime I feed from God. What a dichotomy! I want to spend every waking second with Him because I am so so hungry for Him, I cant breathe without HIm and YET...everytime that I do, I almost dont want to because I know I can almost not handle it, I know that as soon as I have spent time with Him, I will not be able to stop being more hungry, I will not be able to feel divine discotnent. I am hungry for more and hungry to explode with the love of Jesus and yet have no idea how! I know that when I go to Holy Given school, the Lord will teach me practically about how to do it, but until then? THATS the question. The question is HOW to live it and learn it here, God, will you be my teacher? Will you teach me? Oh Father I need you to meet this need, I know you wont give me anything i cannot handle and I am praying that you would open heaven and release me into visions and bring me to you, I wanna see miracles, i wanna open the eyes of the blind, see lame walking, raise the dead in your name, but Jesus, I cant do anything!!! only you can!!
Lord, more of you! Fill me to overflowing but TEACH ME HOW TO OVERFLOW!

That is it. That is my question and plea of the day. Break me, wreck me, ruin me, humble me and teach me how to overflow. Lord in your precious name Jesus I pray all this knowing that ou have heard, knowing that you love me, knowing that you are smiling over me and that all you have promised is and will come to fruition. I love you so so much. With all of my life, heart, mind and strength. Search me and know me oh Lord, show me your glory and your will be done in my life, your will be done in earth as in heaven. I love you. In Jesus name. Amen x


Blogger Duffy said...

I agree.

5:14 PM  

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