Recap...Oh my gosh I cant even explain what God is doing right now, He has just exploded my times with Him, oh my gosh. Its like whenever we get desperately dry we get just that, I wrote a blog the other day that said this…
Desperation cultivated by the Spirit causes us to seek Gods face with renewed fervor and rips from us the fear of man, pride, baggage and ettiquite that goes with mariginal hunger as opposed to starvation. As we allow Holy Spirit to cultivate true desperation, true hunger and starvation for Him and Him alone, it will turn Gods face. I truly believe God just cannot resist a desperately hungry child of His. He responds, He meets us, He feeds us, He fills us to overflowing. I suppose I am just learning such great swathes about how desperate He wants us for Him because of how much room it gives Him.
Man o man and THEN He showed me the beatitudes and all of a sudden I am reading them so the other way around and I see the answer to every question!...
If we want to see God....we must ask for purity
If we want to inherit the kingdom...we must ask for poverty of spirit
If we wanna inherit the earth...we must pray for meekness
If we want to be filled...we must hunger and thirst after righteousness
If we wanna be called a child of God...we must be a peacemaker
If we wanna receive mercy...we must be merciful
And what does that mean? I wanna inherit the kingdom so bad but what does that mean? To be poor in spirit (in the words of one commentator), is to It is to look with a holy contempt upon ourselves, to value others and undervalue ourselves in comparison of them. It is to be willing to make ourselves cheap, and mean, and little, to do good; to become all things to all men. It is to acknowledge that God is great, and we are mean; that he is holy and we are sinful; that he is all and we are nothing, less than nothing, worse than nothing; and to humble ourselves before him, and under his mighty hand. 3. It is to come off from all confidence in our own righteousness and strength, that we may depend only upon the merit of Christ for our justification, and the spirit and grace of Christ for our sanctification. That broken and contrite spirit with which the publican cried for mercy to a poor sinner, is that poverty of spirit. We must call ourselves poor, because always in want of God’s grace, always begging at God’s door, always hanging on in his house.
"Christ says 'Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. Whatever suffering it may cost you in your earthly life; no half measures are any good. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think are wicked--the whole self. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: My own will shall become yours." - Katherine Kuhlman
Commitment not compromise.
That is what He asks of us. Man O man o man I know its basic and ‘common sense’ but it just shifted from my head to my spirit and I had to share it! Hehehe! I don’t know if that hits you
in any kinda revelatory way but today it has been my bread so much that I have had no appetite in the natural, God has filled me up so much! Hahahahaha glory! Sorry I will hush now, I just love when He drenches us. Don’t get me wrong, satan hates it big time. Had my wingmirror ripped off this morning which I cant afford to fix and spiritually have been having to really really battle when here alone which is all this week, but had the most incredible bible session with this new Christian and….God just rocked up. I am so overwhelmed that He would come, I mean realy, the God of the universe would actually rock up when I cry out to Him with my tiny problems and human flesh failing. He is so incredible.
I had to repost this making a bit more sense even if its just to see if God just socks you with this as He has me, truly…I don’t even know. Truly rockin.